Tuesday, October 9, 2012

You have to look from the grand perspective.

Let me preface this post by saying that I am in no way saying spirit science is superior to empirical science or vice versa. I believe that they are both an important stepping stone for progressing society and they must learn to live with each other to speed up our evolution so we can still be able to travel through galaxies while still being human beings

Empirical Data is utilized for the outside world, our waking reality, which is important. On the other hand, everyone has a spiritual side. And the spiritual side just might be more real. We need science to fly through the milky way and float around in jetpacks, but relying on nothing but science will eventually lead to a civilization that neglects emotion and love. There is no point in doubling or quadrupling our lifespan if there is nothing in society except for lifeless gadgets that amuse us for a little while.  This is happening even today. What does an iPhone really do for you and your pursuit of happiness? Or a twitter? Other than being a good resource for business or entertainment, does it provide any kind of eternal bliss? Does it make people as happy as a human being can possibly be? I think otherwise. If you notice closely, these tools have enslaved people more than anything else. It encourages self-absorption. Exchange of ideas between billions of people is not for the betterment of society, it is for winning an argument. When was the last time you saw a debate on the internet lead to a general conclusion and one party humbly admitting being wrong? I've definitely never seen it. Technology is important and we need it, but balance is needed so we can continue being us. The masses of humanity don't exercise their spiritual side. Our spirit is more important than our bodies.

The 3rd dimension is duality. There is free will here, but because of that, there is light and dark, what WE think is good and evil. People have the FREE WILL to make mistakes or do bad things to each other. Bad things happen. That's what makes the 3rd dimension tough to live in. THAT's why we chose to incarnate here over and over again, to gain life experience and live through MANY pleasurable and tough situations, created by duality. Life is UNFAIR. But as spirits that live life after life, we LEARN and GROW from it.

In all of this, karma balances out the "unfairness" of life. We are all forgiven for our mistakes and are given chances to see the light an INFINITE amount of times, if needed. However, karma does make sure we don't get away with terrible things.

That special needs kid, MAY have done something terrible in another lifetime, OR he is just a victim of duality of the 3rd dimension. EITHER way, YES, he does learn, he learns how unfair life can be, how UNPREDICTABLE life can be. Based on his past lives, who knows, maybe other things as well, things that we do not understand in our limited state of mind. We are spirits, but remember, we are still LIMITED while we live in our bodies during the 3rd dimension. We do not know what other lives the kid lived before and after.

As I said, you can't look at one piece of the puzzle and understand the whole thing so easily.

Things like positive stress and concern aren't always fear.

Fear is: self-limiting thoughts.

Fear and Love are on opposite ends of the spectrum.

Don't always choose to be a jerk to other people because they were mean to you. Always try to spread love.

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