Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Traveling around the world.

I'm so grateful that I've been traveling around the world since I was a kid. People need some travel in their life.

And when I say travel, I don't mean take your dumbass to some place for a week where you drink bottled water and wear backpacks and hike around the tourist spots for a week or a month like an asshole.

Go live in different places for a MINIMUM OF 6 MONTHS TO A YEAR. Live there. Make friends with people. Try some of their local rum. Have drinks with them and get some perspective. Nothing gives you a better perspective of the way the world works than living in another part of the world.

Fuck your seedy scumbag friends. Go work there. If shitty things are happening, see if you can do something to help.

If you're in the US or UK, save some dollars or euros before you go. Convert that currency, so you have crazy disposable money to spend there on travel or hookers or drugs or whatever it is your little heart desires. As I type this, it's 2012. You can go anywhere you want within a couple days, and you want to waste your life away in one place?

Blazing in your hometown everyday isn't shit. Blazing some natural hash and drinking roadside tea with some english speaking sadus near some hillstation in India everyday is better than any smoke sessions back in Rockville, Maryland.

Yes, there is an initial culture shock and lifestyle changes you have to come to terms with, but this adjustment takes 2 months tops to get used to. Believe me, you will breathe a sigh of relief when you realize you don't need a TV flashing in front of your face all day, or a computer screen to keep you distracted.

Nothing on the face of the planet educates you faster and makes you more human than a new perspective.

Do you know what I like best about life? It's the conversations. Nothing I like better than having a good goddamn interesting conversation with someone. Answering questions. Asking questions. Discussing. Pondering. Laughing. Joking. Exchanging ideas. Isn't it awesome? So isn't it worth going to another country? Not only can you have endless interesting shit to talk about with people you meet in that country and you can tell them all about what it's like to live in YOUR country firsthand, and you can come back home with tales and wisdom. You see the difference in how people think. You see the different mindstates. You see EVERYTHING. Clearly. And your conversations are going to be so fun and awesome because of your experiences, you'll travel even more.

I could keep writing a million paragraphs about this, but I'll stop here.

Just know that you get way more gratification and clarity from smoking weed with a man who can give you firsthand experience and history about his country and his life and the life of his people than you get from your smart american friend who read about it some textbook.

TRAVEL AROUND THE WORLD, PEOPLE! Fuck going to the rainforest for two weeks. Go live in Hong Kong. Or Calcutta. Or somewhere in Africa. Then, take a trip to switzerland. Then go back to your hometown, and educate your locals. There is such an easy way to gain wisdom, and it's right there in front of your face.

P.S.- Lack of money is a bad excuse. If a lack of money is stopping you from traveling the world, how come you see broke ass dirty hippies finding a way to be on the other side of the globe?

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