Monday, October 15, 2012

I'm a nihilist, so go screw yourself... (A logical troll post)

I can't believe in anything. Just can't. I prefer my conscious recollection of real events over faith and belief.

Someone will say, "you don't believe in gravity, you think you can fly moron".

Shut up idiot. I have a conscious recollection of objects being pulled to the center of the earth, no belief necessary. I don't believe in shelter, transportation or digital communication. I have a memory of enjoying it. So, I follow that. Nihilism is not about absolute indifference or some sort of relativistic black hole of ideas. No. It is about flexibility of ideas being so important that you cannot be attached to any one idea. Conscious recollection of events trumps all. Direct fucking experience. Are we all so afraid to have direct experience that we all rely on untested, un-experienced beliefs? That is weak shit.

Now, I also want to say that I can value compelling arguments. Scientists have made some pretty intriguing discoveries. I don't believe them though. I don't have to. I rely on my conscious recollection of any given scientific subject as a point of reference to consider scientific findings. My conscious recollection of how the scientific process works helps support the process of peer reviewed data as a system to make compelling arguments. But no belief necessary. I just don't see the value. Belief seems like a liability to me.

Think about how much negative emotion arises from people attached to a belief no matter what. So, a civil conversation turns into a frustrating nightmare, all because someone can't separate their conscious recollection of past events from their faith/belief.

For me, it is like the adage says, "you can't un-ring a bell".

People love to call me a hypocrite, or contradictory. Kill yourself. Who the fuck am I trying to impress anyhow? You? Please...

I would love somebody to poke a hole in my logic here. Please do. I kind of want to have faith or belief, I just can't. It does not feel honest to me. So get the fuck out of here with the obvious, "you believe in nihilism, hence, you believe in something". You are boring me to death. I am not attached to nihilism, I hesitate to even use the term. But in my experience brevity can go a long way.

Recollection is mine. I am the sole authority over it. I am the worlds leading expert on my experience. It is empowering. If I assert a belief it is immediately held to a standard out side of that authority. By relying on personal experience, and communicating nothing but, I take away the power another would try to exert over me. I take away others ability to dominate me. And, I relinquish my desire to dominate others with my beliefs. Plus, belief is unnecessary when you have experience.

Example for the skeptical;

Everyone believes that the moon exists. Because they can see it. This is based off of conscious recollection of having seen it, hence, not belief. No belief necessary.

Now, most believe humans went to the moon. Without any direct experience, this has to be a belief. However, almost everyone has seen the footage, and almost everyone has seen footage of themselves. Thus, most everyone has a direct experience with the validity of footage being an accurate portrayal of real events. Video/film is half in and half out in this aspect as it applies to belief vs experience. Some belief necessary.

Now, almost everyone believes that the moon is whatever diameter the scientists tell us it is. This is based solely on belief that the math is right and the science is right. There is no room for direct experience unless you do the math yourself, and even then, your experience is abstract at best. Belief is necessary. So, boom, it is not semantics alone. It might appear so, but I do not believe that...

I take full responsibility for my existence. You can hope things will work out. But you are crazy to not do everything you can to manifest that desire. The whole idea of believe nothing is about, to me, being empowered by taking full responsibility for your own world-view and finding things out for yourself, direct fucking experience!

Now, one might say to me, “I see the point of taking all responsibility for your existence and the fulfillment that brings, but does that counteract the futility of our actions?”

I don't see futility at all. I have a nervous system, and it places certain demands and parameters upon my existence. See, I notice that futility is perceived by people as a sort of cop-out. An avoidance of responsibility. Sure we are going to expire, but what we are apart of, the universe and information within it evolving, will endure.

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