Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Traveling Around the World (cont.)

Living in different places gives not only a diverse life experience, larger set of skills, more knowledge and a much clearer worldview, but you appreciate people more.

You'll be a much happier person when you go to a place with a totally different culture and view of the world they live in and learn about their ideas, principles, their frustrations, their values, their politics, the way their government works, their problems, their perceptions of the world, their view of America, of Americans, of Europe, their booze, their drugs, their jokes, their ignorance, their intelligence. And all this information just comes naturally through living your life there. Nothing is forced. It's like taking a year or two year long course without any studying or any exams.

And this is why you appreciate people more. At one point, after you're done with noticing the differences, you eventually start looking at the similarities and realize that at our core, we're all the same. No matter where you're from, we all smile and cry in the same language. This experience and these types of realizations can never be something you can retain from me telling you or hearing about it. You have to do it yourself. And it's easy to do. And fun.

I think many of us are still at a point in our evolution where we don't realize that it's our life and we can truly do whatever we want with it. Our freedom is not realized. That's why you see so many people stuck in their shitty lives just content.

Anyways, to get on with the 'interesting person' shit.

In a social setting, you can speak about so many interesting things. You will never run out of shit to talk about. On almost any general topic, subject, or idea you will probably have a more objective input in the conversation versus someone who hasn't seen the rest of the world firsthand. Add to that, you'll have some interesting stories about your stay in X country.

Just to be clear, I'm not implying that you should be some douchebag trying to be the center of attention and bragging about what you have done and where you have been and acting like you're better than someone just because you're more traveled. But having that experience in your arsenal is just a great thing to have. You're listening to some dildo saying some dumbass uninformed shit, it's really easy and fun to shut him/her down and make them feel stupid and realize they have much to learn.

People assume a lot of things about places. We love to give people our opinions even though we have no clue what we're talking about. Traveling solves this problem.

So, basically, even if you're already an interesting person, travelling will add to it.

I'm born and raised in Washington D.C., but I've lived in many places. I've lived in Russia, China, India, the Ukraine, Singapore, and I've traveled around and seen many places around the world. I consider all this moving around essential to my life and essential to what I know and who I am today. I've met so many awesome people in the world and learned so much awesome shit.

So, yes. I recommend travelling the world to anyone and everyone. Anyone who says it doesn't have any benefits are as bad as the people who have never tried drugs and give their opinion on it.

And it's easy as fuck to do. Like I said in a previous post, Plane tickets are cheap if you book them months in advance. And you can find great deals online. On top of that, your dollar multiplies when you go to these countries. You can have a regular job there that pays, and STILL have crazy extra multiplied money to spend. You can live like a fucking king. What are you waiting for?

We have planes.

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