Monday, October 15, 2012

I'm a nihilist, so go screw yourself... (A logical troll post)

I can't believe in anything. Just can't. I prefer my conscious recollection of real events over faith and belief.

Someone will say, "you don't believe in gravity, you think you can fly moron".

Shut up idiot. I have a conscious recollection of objects being pulled to the center of the earth, no belief necessary. I don't believe in shelter, transportation or digital communication. I have a memory of enjoying it. So, I follow that. Nihilism is not about absolute indifference or some sort of relativistic black hole of ideas. No. It is about flexibility of ideas being so important that you cannot be attached to any one idea. Conscious recollection of events trumps all. Direct fucking experience. Are we all so afraid to have direct experience that we all rely on untested, un-experienced beliefs? That is weak shit.

Now, I also want to say that I can value compelling arguments. Scientists have made some pretty intriguing discoveries. I don't believe them though. I don't have to. I rely on my conscious recollection of any given scientific subject as a point of reference to consider scientific findings. My conscious recollection of how the scientific process works helps support the process of peer reviewed data as a system to make compelling arguments. But no belief necessary. I just don't see the value. Belief seems like a liability to me.

Think about how much negative emotion arises from people attached to a belief no matter what. So, a civil conversation turns into a frustrating nightmare, all because someone can't separate their conscious recollection of past events from their faith/belief.

For me, it is like the adage says, "you can't un-ring a bell".

People love to call me a hypocrite, or contradictory. Kill yourself. Who the fuck am I trying to impress anyhow? You? Please...

I would love somebody to poke a hole in my logic here. Please do. I kind of want to have faith or belief, I just can't. It does not feel honest to me. So get the fuck out of here with the obvious, "you believe in nihilism, hence, you believe in something". You are boring me to death. I am not attached to nihilism, I hesitate to even use the term. But in my experience brevity can go a long way.

Recollection is mine. I am the sole authority over it. I am the worlds leading expert on my experience. It is empowering. If I assert a belief it is immediately held to a standard out side of that authority. By relying on personal experience, and communicating nothing but, I take away the power another would try to exert over me. I take away others ability to dominate me. And, I relinquish my desire to dominate others with my beliefs. Plus, belief is unnecessary when you have experience.

Example for the skeptical;

Everyone believes that the moon exists. Because they can see it. This is based off of conscious recollection of having seen it, hence, not belief. No belief necessary.

Now, most believe humans went to the moon. Without any direct experience, this has to be a belief. However, almost everyone has seen the footage, and almost everyone has seen footage of themselves. Thus, most everyone has a direct experience with the validity of footage being an accurate portrayal of real events. Video/film is half in and half out in this aspect as it applies to belief vs experience. Some belief necessary.

Now, almost everyone believes that the moon is whatever diameter the scientists tell us it is. This is based solely on belief that the math is right and the science is right. There is no room for direct experience unless you do the math yourself, and even then, your experience is abstract at best. Belief is necessary. So, boom, it is not semantics alone. It might appear so, but I do not believe that...

I take full responsibility for my existence. You can hope things will work out. But you are crazy to not do everything you can to manifest that desire. The whole idea of believe nothing is about, to me, being empowered by taking full responsibility for your own world-view and finding things out for yourself, direct fucking experience!

Now, one might say to me, “I see the point of taking all responsibility for your existence and the fulfillment that brings, but does that counteract the futility of our actions?”

I don't see futility at all. I have a nervous system, and it places certain demands and parameters upon my existence. See, I notice that futility is perceived by people as a sort of cop-out. An avoidance of responsibility. Sure we are going to expire, but what we are apart of, the universe and information within it evolving, will endure.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Government and Corporations aren't Evil. We are.

Why do people think corporations are these autonomous beings who can make moral and amoral decisions? Corporations are just the edifice of human entrepreneurship. They are transient and products of the human condition. The corporation is after-all the human labor, externalized by other human labor, like the shareholders who generate working capital.

I think we can deconstruct corporations only when we realize that humans are essentially responsible for their performance and not the other way around. Once we can do that, then I think we can come up with a better conclusion and solution to how we can protect ourselves from exploitation.

Humans after all, according to the early Platonic understanding of social contracts, want to commit injustices against others without the fear of reprisal. That's not to say that there aren't "good people" in the world who fall into the altruistic role, but only that there is a dedicated group who seeks self determination while at the same time, also wishes to avoid being treated unjustly by others in their pursuit of gaining something over somebody else.

Justice then becomes the laws we create in order to protect ourselves from the extremes of this natural order, ie fearing some cunt will take something from you. Ironically this cunt who is probably going to fuck you over for his own goals, is also afraid of being fucked over himself. He then gives up a portion of his rights in order to be protected by the same code of laws that create the conditions that protect the altruistic cunt.

As a result men decide that it is in their interest to submit themselves to order and law in order to keep their sovereignty preserved. The cunt can continue to be a cunt as long as he isn't fucking somebody else over. The problem starts to arise when we forget that we're essentially the ones that agree on the laws that are there to protect us. The leviathan that is the government has the responsibility to protect us from this natural certainty, but it us who make up the leviathan. We agree on the set of laws and when we forget this we run into trouble.

So it's really our responsibility and the governments to limit the role of corporations if they are threatening the stability of justice and law. If the government can't do that then the social contract is broken and we must hold representatives and law makers accountable.

Its actually from the Republic, when Glaucon is trying to acquit Socrates of his crimes by asking, what is justice? I also bring up Hobbes though who is sort of the father of modern social contract theory. Locke pretty much uses the same methodology as Hobbes only instead of being born into the state of nature as a cunt, according to Locke humans are born into it as divine beings by religious authority ie God. I lean more towards Plato and Hobbes; that men are born cunty and vicious, and that society conditions them to be law abiding.

Sorry if this turned out to be a giant tirade and regurgitation of basic political science but I'm bored.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Experts for Global Sustainability Reform

Neil deGrasse Tyson calls it long overdue. I say it's just in time. They have been saying it for about 50 years though. It seems politics works on a five year cycle and doesn't care about big pictures.

Remember the Kyoto Protocol? This will amount to lots of talk and no progress, at least in the USA.

Politicians will never plan longer than the next election so they continually pass environmental standards and regulations that take place in the distant future, and then when no one is looking those regulations get weakened/replaced/defunded/removed in an addendum to a miscellaneous supplemental budget or farm bill somewhere on page 503 at midnight on a Friday before a holiday weekend at the end of a special session....and the only person who notices it is Dennis Kucinich, and he is ignored and outvoted as usual.

This is nothing more than a circle jerk rhetoric bureaucratic money grab. You might as well just drive down the highway and throw money out the window. There are so many huge corporations buying off world governments (especially Republicans), and controlling our media just so they can keep polluting, shit will have to get REALLY bad before we actually do something. By then it might be too late.

People say that a world government is a good thing, as long as it doesn't get corrupted (which is the hard part). But a world government of banksters, corporations and pseudo-scientific henchmen will be impossible to corrupt. You think you get such great service from Congress now, just wait til that mess goes global.

Problem is people aren't gonna want to change because they are thriving off the current system, its no use arguing over the little petty shit. For change to happen, its going to get really bad or someone will press the reset button. There is nothing a movement can really do. All everyone can do is just let it happen and Jam their fingers in the faces of the people who are fucking up.

If we don't change our ways the world is going to be a very different place in the not so distant future.

There is currently a mass extinction event on par with the one that wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. amphibians, fish and birds in particular are getting hammered for a variety of reasons. Regardless of whether or not the climate is warming up (doesn't really matter that much to be honest), there is no question that glaciers are rapidly declining around the world. This will probably be a catastrophe for some areas, particularly in SE Asia where billions of people rely on glacier fed waterways. this will be felt in america too. The Colorado river has been declining for a long time, which is pretty bad news if you life in the SW US.

Industry and commercial agriculture are turning rivers and bays around the world into ecological dead zones (via Eutrophication) or poisoning the entire food chain (including humans) with bioaccumulators like pcbs. the Chesapeake and Peuget sound are both prime examples.

Forget global warming, there are a million other reasons why we need to change our ways.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Voting is to Government, what praying is to God

Consider the following...

Imagine if you were forced to attend a religious or religion approved school 7 hours a day, more or less 5 days a week, and on aggregate about 7 months a year. At this religious school they would teach you writing math and science, but they would also teach you religion. Would you expect the person who came out of this education to believe in God? Of course you would. I'm sure you could have some debate on this or that verse of the bible, and debates about the extent of God. You would have Biblical extremists and literalists, and people who have a more moderate view of God, that didn't take the Bible too literally, or even not taking the bible as true at all. BUT they would all agree on the existence of a God.

The graduates of this school would certainly be civil in debates about God, or most will at least. Many will even stress inter-faith relations,BUT as soon as you question the existence of God altogether than the debate becomes hostile. They will argue unreasonably and make objections in bad faith. They will refuse to recognize that the burden of proof is on them, they will be dismissive, they will not think but fight ex-post facto.

Contrast that with....

Imagine you were force to attend a state, or state-approved school 7 hours a day, more or less 5 days a week, and on aggregate about 7 months a year. At this school they would teach you writing math and science, but they would also teach you "history" and the founding of the government. Would you expect the person who came out of this education to believe in the virtue and necessity of the state? Of course you would. I'm sure you could have some debates about government involvement on this or that issue, and debates about the extent of Government. You would have political socialists and militarists, and people who have a more libertarian view of government that advocated minimal interference, BUT they would all agree on the necessity and virtue of Government.

The graduates of this school would certainly be civil in debates about Government, or most will at least. Many will even stress inter-ideology relations, BUT as soon as you question the existence of Government altogether than the debate becomes hostile. They will argue unreasonably and make objections in bad faith. They will refuse to recognize that the burden of proof is on them, they will be dismissive, they will not think but fight ex-post facto.

Voting is to government what praying is to god. The reason that so many people still believe that praying makes a difference is because when they were young, they were taught or indoctrinated that praying is a way to get a God to change the world to their preferences. In reality, there is no god.  There are just people, like priests, who claim to speak on behalf of God.

The reason that so many people believe voting makes difference is because they were young, they were taught or indoctrinated into believing that voting is a way to get a government to change the world to your preferences.

In reality, there is no government. There are just people, politicians who claim to speak on behalf of a government.

The reality is there is no god and there is no government. There are just people and their silly ideas.

Staying Alive

Human beings are just monkeys with smart brains. As monkeys, we only have 2 primary emotions: to stay alive and reproduce. Period. We have no other emotions. Any emotion we have is a permutation of one of those emotions. A monkey that evolved some other desire unrelated to those 2 desires would have a harder time surviving evolution-wise. Our desire to eat, sleep, fight, etc..., are just evolutionary traits that help us stay alive and reproduce. All our desire for religious experience, art, philosophy, science is just an outgrowth of staying alive and reproducing. 

Here's how: As human beings, we are endowed with an immense, insane curiosity about our universe. And the philosopher Aristotle said that the greatest pleasure human beings can enjoy is learning and understanding our world. I think that the reason our monkey brain wants to know everything is because we feel if there is some information that we DON'T know, that will hurt our ability to stay alive and feed ourselves. At base, that is the core of our curiosity. Think about it, the Mona Lisa is the most famous painting in the world because her smile makes people think she's hiding a secret. That's true, but that's insane! Why would anybody give a shit about Mona Lisa's secret? It's probably something stupid, like Salvatore cheated on his wife or Giuseppe got fired from his job for getting high on his break. It doesn't logically matter to us! But as human beings, our monkey brains are curious about EVERYTHING because we feel insecure and small if there is information we don't know. 

Now, it's true some people aren't curious about shit - but that's because they have some other emotion on their mind related to staying alive. For example, if you work a shitty job to just feed yourself, you're not going to be curious about shit. But whenever you see people with leisure and money, they are always curious about the world and learning and experiencing new things. 

I think human beings' desire to enjoy art is related to our curiosity. The reason we enjoy art is because an intelligent person in touch with their emotions created something that we can't immediately figure out, so our brains become fixated on it. We enjoy music because it's a pattern and our brain is constantly waiting to hear the next note and figure out the pattern. Art is boring to us when we feel like we've figured it out - either we've listened to the song too many times, or the plot is predictable, or the joke doesn't surprise us, etc... 

A lot of philosophers and artists may argue that it's sad to think that deep down, all human beings really care about is staying alive. That cheapens and demeans human beings. I disagree. Because we have emotions and a big brain that has infinite curiosity our desire to stay alive leads us to enjoy all the wonderful things of the world. We are constantly experiencing, enjoying, and struggling through all of the crazy things in the world just to stay alive. 

This brings me to my main point. Human beings' greatest desire is for LOVE! Our greatest emotion is to stay alive, and love is basically an agreement between 2 creatures to not let each other die. That's all it is. If a monkey somehow feels like he will never die, or that there is another creature who will never let him die, that's the best feeling he can have. It trumps everything else - food, sex, skydiving, art, etc... We just want to stay alive and love fulfills our need to do that. 

There is nothing magical or secret about love - it's just a guarantee to help your fellow monkey not die and give him bananas when he's hungry. Naturally, the monkeys that evolved the love gene would survive because they'd form close relationships with other monkeys. Furthermore, the greatest feeling you can get is to love another person, even if they don't love you back - because the monkey that evolved to love others unconditionally would be more likely to survive than the monkey who was greedy with his love. 

This explains religion too. God is basically a magical creature that human beings made up that WILL NEVER LET US DIE. God is basically a magical super-monkey that promises to love you if you agree to love him. So even though God technically doesn't exist (ok, he might exist but we'll never know) we still feel good when we believe in him and love him because we feel like he loves us and will never let us die. 

The New Testament God is even more ridiculous - he promises that we'll live EVEN AFTER WE DIE. Think about that - that's retarded! How can you live after you die? Even if heaven was real, which I don't think it is, the only reason you would want to go to heaven is because your monkey brain shortcircuited and wanted to be alive. 

Now, human society has long reached a point where we can keep each other alive easily with modern medicine and food and stuff. But our monkey brains are still evolved to constantly freak out about dying. So even though logically there's no reason to fear death we're constantly freaking out. That's why religion is a constant thing where you have to pray every day and constantly be thinking about God - because you need to constantly be reminding yourself that God will not let you die. 

All negative, self-destructive things people do and all of our negative emotions string from our desire to live. Our desire for fame, glory, and money are just because we want to feel more secure in our ability to live. Deep down, we subconsciously think that if we are famous or if we win the basketball game or if we are good looking we are less likely to die. Self-destructive behaviors, like drug addiction, overeating, or mental illness comes from a feeling of being unloved and being afraid of dying. All negativity, fear, insecurity, hatred, etc... comes from fear of dying. The only reason we fight people or spew hatred is because we subconsciously feel threatened by them or because we want to show we are stronger, better, wittier, etc... We want to feel like our ability to live is not impugned. A better option - something smart people have figured it out - is love. If all of humanity just agreed to love each other (i.e, not let each other die) there would be no more reason for hatred, fear, anger, etc... The only reason negativity, strife, and fighting exist is because we are stupid monkeys and we don't understand the intentions of the other monkeys. IF we could somehow all have a big meeting and agree to love each other unconditionally and deeply we'd all be happy. 

I recently had a steak at Outback steakhouse. Normally, I love a big ass steak but I started to think about how red meat was bad for me and I thought to myself "why do I want to eat this steak so badly if I know it's bad for me?" I realized that deep deep deep down, I subconsciously feel like if I don't eat the fuck out of this steak right now, I'll never be able to eat again. Of course that's nonsense - I can eat whenever I want - I have money. But subconsciously I feel like I need to put as much food in my body as I can because my monkey brain will freak out. 

If a monkey really honestly feels secure in his ability to live, all of his emotions die down and he feels calm and relaxed. His anxieties, fears, hatreds disappear and he enters a state of peaceful bliss. We are robots designed to stay alive, and if the robot knows it will stay alive, it doesn't have to do anything. That is, I think, the epitome of all spiritual enlightenment. Enlightenment removes that fear of death that is constantly invading our minds and emotions and lets us know that the universe loves us and that everything will be ok.

In my humble opinion, modern civilization is a mistake, and all these big cars, houses, buildings, and wars are just people freaking out about their ability to survive. The Iraq War is just a bunch of monkeys from this part of the world going to over to kill monkeys on that side of the world because they are afraid that those monkeys want to kill them first. There's a lot of sadness and fear in the world and it's not easy to eliminate - you can't just go around loving people willy nilly because you'll freak people out. But I understood that one day people will figure out that love is all you need and when that day happens we'll live in peace and happiness. And that day, we'll discover that since the beginning of time we've all been trying to do the same thing - stay alive.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

You have to look from the grand perspective.

Let me preface this post by saying that I am in no way saying spirit science is superior to empirical science or vice versa. I believe that they are both an important stepping stone for progressing society and they must learn to live with each other to speed up our evolution so we can still be able to travel through galaxies while still being human beings

Empirical Data is utilized for the outside world, our waking reality, which is important. On the other hand, everyone has a spiritual side. And the spiritual side just might be more real. We need science to fly through the milky way and float around in jetpacks, but relying on nothing but science will eventually lead to a civilization that neglects emotion and love. There is no point in doubling or quadrupling our lifespan if there is nothing in society except for lifeless gadgets that amuse us for a little while.  This is happening even today. What does an iPhone really do for you and your pursuit of happiness? Or a twitter? Other than being a good resource for business or entertainment, does it provide any kind of eternal bliss? Does it make people as happy as a human being can possibly be? I think otherwise. If you notice closely, these tools have enslaved people more than anything else. It encourages self-absorption. Exchange of ideas between billions of people is not for the betterment of society, it is for winning an argument. When was the last time you saw a debate on the internet lead to a general conclusion and one party humbly admitting being wrong? I've definitely never seen it. Technology is important and we need it, but balance is needed so we can continue being us. The masses of humanity don't exercise their spiritual side. Our spirit is more important than our bodies.

The 3rd dimension is duality. There is free will here, but because of that, there is light and dark, what WE think is good and evil. People have the FREE WILL to make mistakes or do bad things to each other. Bad things happen. That's what makes the 3rd dimension tough to live in. THAT's why we chose to incarnate here over and over again, to gain life experience and live through MANY pleasurable and tough situations, created by duality. Life is UNFAIR. But as spirits that live life after life, we LEARN and GROW from it.

In all of this, karma balances out the "unfairness" of life. We are all forgiven for our mistakes and are given chances to see the light an INFINITE amount of times, if needed. However, karma does make sure we don't get away with terrible things.

That special needs kid, MAY have done something terrible in another lifetime, OR he is just a victim of duality of the 3rd dimension. EITHER way, YES, he does learn, he learns how unfair life can be, how UNPREDICTABLE life can be. Based on his past lives, who knows, maybe other things as well, things that we do not understand in our limited state of mind. We are spirits, but remember, we are still LIMITED while we live in our bodies during the 3rd dimension. We do not know what other lives the kid lived before and after.

As I said, you can't look at one piece of the puzzle and understand the whole thing so easily.

Things like positive stress and concern aren't always fear.

Fear is: self-limiting thoughts.

Fear and Love are on opposite ends of the spectrum.

Don't always choose to be a jerk to other people because they were mean to you. Always try to spread love.

Get awakened.

There are millions of people all around the world that have unexplained powers. Go to India. You will meet sadus that will tell you your name, your age, place of birth, how/what you think about, and will even give you hints about where your future can lead you depending on the paths you take. And this is all within the first few seconds of meeting you.

There are people who have the power of remote viewing and can tell you what a guy is doing in China while sitting in a house in Ohio.

This has all been recorded. Testimonials are all there for you. Described in full detail. If you've ever had a psychedelic experience, you know that there is an entire multidimensional universe for you to experience anytime you wish.

I'm not telling you to stop being a skeptic, but in order to disprove something completely, you have to entertain every though and every angle.

If you want to go on a rant trying to disprove what yoga practitioners experience, your opinion is insignificant unless you spend at least 10-20 years feeling the afterglow and having your own experiences. Until then, you really have no grounds on trying to disprove anything.

Me personally, I have felt the afterglow, but I’m not in a perpetual state, because I don't practice yoga a whole. However, it's interesting to me. And whether this "shift" happens or doesn't happen, I'm just here for the ride.Don't let the ones who speak about this topic yet understand only 1% fool you into thinking that the real ones who understand it all are in the same boat as the fools.

The true experience and power comes from self-sacrifice, self-discipline, and purity in life. It is a long journey, and many never reach the final destination.

You have to put down the controller, stop smoking weed recreationally, start a diet you can never turn away from even for one meal, and spend a huge majority of your day meditating in isolation away from any sensory distractions with one candle lit in front of you to focus on. You have to do this for 2 YEARS (or more) to even reach the kindergarten level of just being in a constant state of deep calm... where your mind is so still that you are not even thinking like a human. After this, you have to have your body in weird positions for hours on end and chant ancient mantras so you can be in tune with harmonic frequencies. You keep doing this for years and years in the mountains, and you will go beyond the harmonics of this planet to the solar system, past the milky way, and eventually the entire universe.

That's how it's supposed to be done. And the reason this isn't in the front page of every newspaper everyday is because the experience is something you can't really share with anyone. You can talk about what it's like to smoke DMT or smoke weed all day with people, but you can't give the experience to them. They have to see it for themselves. That's why people who have never tried it view it a certain way. Either that or they simply have no curiosity about it and would rather spend their time trying to create jetpacks or try to get a hedge fund of 2.3 billion dollars so they can have every contestant of Miss USA line up to suck their dick. Some simply don't give a fuck about any of that and would rather move to the mountains or the woods and get enlightened about the universal consciousness that we are all a part of. Everyone is different, man.

As you can clearly see, you can never achieve this in a lifetime and play your XBox at the same time. You must sacrifice your material possessions or your spiritual possessions. In my opinion, you could be the happiest, richest person on the planet, but smoking weed on the moon while getting your dick sucked by the hottest bitch ever will still leave you wanting more. Material possessions can never give you bliss. Enlightenment will.

No language barrier ever again.

I made a Japanese friend the other day. He doesn't know a word of English, and I don't know a word of Japanese, yet we had a long and interesting conversation, thanks to his translation machine. He typed in what he wanted to say, and the machine perfectly translated it and said it to me. When I needed to say something to him, I would just speak into this machine, and the machine translated my English into Japanese text for him.  It is amazing to see this new generation of translators making it's way to the masses. We truly live in a small town on this planet.

One of my favorite comedians, Doug Stanhope, has a great bit about how we live in a small world where one can take a picture of their dick and send the image to a random email account and someone else on another part of the world will wake up in the morning with that image greeting him during breakfast. That’s a world too small for so many different languages. Heritage is one of the flaws in our current stage of being. If we can let go of so many different rules of different cultures and countries, we can come together as one human race and really progress intellectually.

Thankfully, this need to keep pointless traditions alive will not stop us from communicating with each other from all walks of life. I don’t think we realize just how small the world really is these days. We are all technologically awake and constantly connected. The need to keep languages alive and keep people talking a certain way will slowly but surely fade into the abyss. When you have a world where the poorest kid from the poorest neighborhood in the world has a real chance of finding a room with a computer with internet access where he has literally everything and anyone he could possibly need at his fingertips, well, it’s pretty obvious that that world is too small for 800 different languages with thousand other branching dialects. Like Doug Stanhope says, “put them all (languages) in a bingo ball hopper, and pick one and teach it to the world.”

Demand for quick translation in this world is becoming increasingly apparent. Next generation machine translators interpret text or speech the same way humans do; that is, a whole sentence from one language can now translate perfectly into another without the usual incident of grammar and punctuation getting mixed up in between. Research and development for this new form of translation has not come easy as it involves the combining of complex computing with varied linguistics of as many languages as possible. Although we are still a long way from replacing human translators, this new generation of machine translation has already surpassed human levels in many areas such as cost and speed. Today, all over the world, experts are hard at work teaching computers how to interpret ideas from one language to another resulting in quick translation and faster communication for travelers all over the world.

I can't wait to go to South India and talk in Tamil.

Organic Farming will save us all (cont.)

The success of a biofertilizer heavily depends on how long the strain in the ground will live.

How long this strain lives in tough climate conditions should be closely examined and considered a critical step in figuring out how good it is. How the strain resists under different conditions if the key to finding out it's potential.

Not only the strain selection but also the microbial fermentation process technology involved in product development is a very tricky process. Moreover, the fermentation parameters vary from one microorganism to another. Here is difference in the parameter when microorganisms grow in a shake flask and a fermenter. For large-scale production, development of new products, process optimization and training of manpower is a necessity for establishment of an R & TD and Pilot Fermentation Facility. Such a facility is proposed to establish in Russia with state-of-the-art infrastructure consisting of sophisticated precision instruments and well qualified technical personnel.

The microbial product as soil bioinoculant will be developed to provide the customized solution. The customization means that the product will be developed by the native microorganisms population isolated from the region where these products has to be applied. Moreover, the selection and composition of the product will also be customized. The product is developed as per local need and problem specific for example if there is a particular problem at a particular region, the composition of the product will be changed as per the need of aspiration. The other point to be taken care of during development is “single microbial product will be applicable to wide range of crops and also contains multifarious activity”.

Organic Farming will save us all

Due to social awareness and emphasis on human health, Organic farming is an increasingly important part of the agricultural production. Its environmental and economic benefits have captured the attention of many countries. Decreasing Government support and subsidies to agricultural inputs offers an opportunity for the conversion of low-input agricultural systems into more productive organic farming. Bio-diversification that is brought by organic systems increases agro-ecosystem’s stability and protects against environmental stress, which in turn improves resilience of farm economies. Consumer demand for organically produced food and fibre products and society's demand for more sustainable development with minimum degradation of environment provide new opportunities for farmers and businesses around the world.

Microbial biopesticides and biofertilizers are environment friendly organic farming inputs, which have gained popularity in their applications in the field of agriculture. These are bacterial or fungal preparations capable of arresting growth of plant pests & pathogens. They also help in growth promotion by providing NPK, growth promoters and growth hormones and other micronutrients.

Chemical pesticides and fertilizers are not environment friendly. Moreover, they require repeated applications during the crop cultivation period, which creates lots of soil and environment pollution. Due to non-environment friendly nature, use of the chemical pesticides and fertilizers are being discouraged. It may not be surprising that their use will be banned altogether by the increasingly environment conscious becoming government.

Biopesticides and biofertilizers are naturally occurring living organisms found in the soil and its environment. Due to the constant use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers their population is dwindling. The concept is to increase the population of these beneficial microorganisms in the environment by introducing them in large numbers. This is possible by fermentation technology, which has been till date used earlier for the production of antibiotics and industrial enzymes and other produces.

Traveling Around the World (cont.)

Living in different places gives not only a diverse life experience, larger set of skills, more knowledge and a much clearer worldview, but you appreciate people more.

You'll be a much happier person when you go to a place with a totally different culture and view of the world they live in and learn about their ideas, principles, their frustrations, their values, their politics, the way their government works, their problems, their perceptions of the world, their view of America, of Americans, of Europe, their booze, their drugs, their jokes, their ignorance, their intelligence. And all this information just comes naturally through living your life there. Nothing is forced. It's like taking a year or two year long course without any studying or any exams.

And this is why you appreciate people more. At one point, after you're done with noticing the differences, you eventually start looking at the similarities and realize that at our core, we're all the same. No matter where you're from, we all smile and cry in the same language. This experience and these types of realizations can never be something you can retain from me telling you or hearing about it. You have to do it yourself. And it's easy to do. And fun.

I think many of us are still at a point in our evolution where we don't realize that it's our life and we can truly do whatever we want with it. Our freedom is not realized. That's why you see so many people stuck in their shitty lives just content.

Anyways, to get on with the 'interesting person' shit.

In a social setting, you can speak about so many interesting things. You will never run out of shit to talk about. On almost any general topic, subject, or idea you will probably have a more objective input in the conversation versus someone who hasn't seen the rest of the world firsthand. Add to that, you'll have some interesting stories about your stay in X country.

Just to be clear, I'm not implying that you should be some douchebag trying to be the center of attention and bragging about what you have done and where you have been and acting like you're better than someone just because you're more traveled. But having that experience in your arsenal is just a great thing to have. You're listening to some dildo saying some dumbass uninformed shit, it's really easy and fun to shut him/her down and make them feel stupid and realize they have much to learn.

People assume a lot of things about places. We love to give people our opinions even though we have no clue what we're talking about. Traveling solves this problem.

So, basically, even if you're already an interesting person, travelling will add to it.

I'm born and raised in Washington D.C., but I've lived in many places. I've lived in Russia, China, India, the Ukraine, Singapore, and I've traveled around and seen many places around the world. I consider all this moving around essential to my life and essential to what I know and who I am today. I've met so many awesome people in the world and learned so much awesome shit.

So, yes. I recommend travelling the world to anyone and everyone. Anyone who says it doesn't have any benefits are as bad as the people who have never tried drugs and give their opinion on it.

And it's easy as fuck to do. Like I said in a previous post, Plane tickets are cheap if you book them months in advance. And you can find great deals online. On top of that, your dollar multiplies when you go to these countries. You can have a regular job there that pays, and STILL have crazy extra multiplied money to spend. You can live like a fucking king. What are you waiting for?

We have planes.

Traveling around the world.

I'm so grateful that I've been traveling around the world since I was a kid. People need some travel in their life.

And when I say travel, I don't mean take your dumbass to some place for a week where you drink bottled water and wear backpacks and hike around the tourist spots for a week or a month like an asshole.

Go live in different places for a MINIMUM OF 6 MONTHS TO A YEAR. Live there. Make friends with people. Try some of their local rum. Have drinks with them and get some perspective. Nothing gives you a better perspective of the way the world works than living in another part of the world.

Fuck your seedy scumbag friends. Go work there. If shitty things are happening, see if you can do something to help.

If you're in the US or UK, save some dollars or euros before you go. Convert that currency, so you have crazy disposable money to spend there on travel or hookers or drugs or whatever it is your little heart desires. As I type this, it's 2012. You can go anywhere you want within a couple days, and you want to waste your life away in one place?

Blazing in your hometown everyday isn't shit. Blazing some natural hash and drinking roadside tea with some english speaking sadus near some hillstation in India everyday is better than any smoke sessions back in Rockville, Maryland.

Yes, there is an initial culture shock and lifestyle changes you have to come to terms with, but this adjustment takes 2 months tops to get used to. Believe me, you will breathe a sigh of relief when you realize you don't need a TV flashing in front of your face all day, or a computer screen to keep you distracted.

Nothing on the face of the planet educates you faster and makes you more human than a new perspective.

Do you know what I like best about life? It's the conversations. Nothing I like better than having a good goddamn interesting conversation with someone. Answering questions. Asking questions. Discussing. Pondering. Laughing. Joking. Exchanging ideas. Isn't it awesome? So isn't it worth going to another country? Not only can you have endless interesting shit to talk about with people you meet in that country and you can tell them all about what it's like to live in YOUR country firsthand, and you can come back home with tales and wisdom. You see the difference in how people think. You see the different mindstates. You see EVERYTHING. Clearly. And your conversations are going to be so fun and awesome because of your experiences, you'll travel even more.

I could keep writing a million paragraphs about this, but I'll stop here.

Just know that you get way more gratification and clarity from smoking weed with a man who can give you firsthand experience and history about his country and his life and the life of his people than you get from your smart american friend who read about it some textbook.

TRAVEL AROUND THE WORLD, PEOPLE! Fuck going to the rainforest for two weeks. Go live in Hong Kong. Or Calcutta. Or somewhere in Africa. Then, take a trip to switzerland. Then go back to your hometown, and educate your locals. There is such an easy way to gain wisdom, and it's right there in front of your face.

P.S.- Lack of money is a bad excuse. If a lack of money is stopping you from traveling the world, how come you see broke ass dirty hippies finding a way to be on the other side of the globe?

The Sanctity of Life

Three weeks ago was a lifechanging moment for me. After 72 hours of my reality being absolutely fried, I emerged a man with limitless powers.

Our mental cognition is something to be admired and we should all be grateful for it. The universe that lives within each and everyone of us is amazing and with no limit. 

I have a newfound respect for being born a human being. I could have just as easily been born a fish. But I can make complicated websites and learn programming languages. I can create technology. I can manipulate my environment and make a better world for the living things on this planet. 

It's sad to see so many people out there stuck in their lives and unable to harness this state of mind. They either lack the proper motivation, or they lack the luxuries of a free life. Most of them don't realize they can break free from their chains anytime, any day. 

It seems we are not evolving in the same rate that our technologies and inventions are. I see so many people who never move out of their hometowns. In 1852, you might have had a legitimate reason to never leave a certain radius. But now, the entire planet is yours to explore, yet people don't want to get out of their comfort zone for some reason. 

However, I'm the same to some degree. We all are, aren't we? We all have too many days where we don't see what the big deal is about living. We have to deal with responsibility, physical/mental pain, amongst so many things. No matter how perfect my life gets, I know I will still face tragedy at some point in the future. I think way too much about my loved ones passing away, and what I would do and how I would deal with it. Just thinking about it sends chills down my spine.

But that is what life is. It is something nobody wants, but it's something everyone will face at one point. I don't know what this universal truth accomplishes, but I know I don't want it. I just want to learn as much as I can, and try to help as much as I can. I think we should all attempt to do this. Greed is ripping our society apart, and that too, at the cost of millions of innocent lives. What's the point of doing this? A bigger boat? Some sort of a physical proof that you're better than most men because you can play a game really well?

Getting and not giving back is pointless, because you're not living up to the full human experience. It's much more interesting to put all the ideas and the boats in one place and progress as a species. We have moved on from the animal instinct. We are above a dog eat dog world. We have too much shit and have accomplished too much to be on that mindstate. People are a product of their environment, and a society run on fear will never end up anywhere good. 

Thanks for reading