Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Sanctity of Life

Three weeks ago was a lifechanging moment for me. After 72 hours of my reality being absolutely fried, I emerged a man with limitless powers.

Our mental cognition is something to be admired and we should all be grateful for it. The universe that lives within each and everyone of us is amazing and with no limit. 

I have a newfound respect for being born a human being. I could have just as easily been born a fish. But I can make complicated websites and learn programming languages. I can create technology. I can manipulate my environment and make a better world for the living things on this planet. 

It's sad to see so many people out there stuck in their lives and unable to harness this state of mind. They either lack the proper motivation, or they lack the luxuries of a free life. Most of them don't realize they can break free from their chains anytime, any day. 

It seems we are not evolving in the same rate that our technologies and inventions are. I see so many people who never move out of their hometowns. In 1852, you might have had a legitimate reason to never leave a certain radius. But now, the entire planet is yours to explore, yet people don't want to get out of their comfort zone for some reason. 

However, I'm the same to some degree. We all are, aren't we? We all have too many days where we don't see what the big deal is about living. We have to deal with responsibility, physical/mental pain, amongst so many things. No matter how perfect my life gets, I know I will still face tragedy at some point in the future. I think way too much about my loved ones passing away, and what I would do and how I would deal with it. Just thinking about it sends chills down my spine.

But that is what life is. It is something nobody wants, but it's something everyone will face at one point. I don't know what this universal truth accomplishes, but I know I don't want it. I just want to learn as much as I can, and try to help as much as I can. I think we should all attempt to do this. Greed is ripping our society apart, and that too, at the cost of millions of innocent lives. What's the point of doing this? A bigger boat? Some sort of a physical proof that you're better than most men because you can play a game really well?

Getting and not giving back is pointless, because you're not living up to the full human experience. It's much more interesting to put all the ideas and the boats in one place and progress as a species. We have moved on from the animal instinct. We are above a dog eat dog world. We have too much shit and have accomplished too much to be on that mindstate. People are a product of their environment, and a society run on fear will never end up anywhere good. 

Thanks for reading

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